Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 Summary

The Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 is a US federal law that was enacted on May 22, 2015. The law provides Congress with the opportunity to review any comprehensive agreement reached between the United States and Iran concerning Iran`s nuclear program. The act outlines the process by which Congress can approve or disapprove any such agreement.

The purpose of the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 is to ensure that Congress has a say in the final decision regarding the agreement. While the president has the authority to negotiate international agreements, Congress has the responsibility to approve or reject them. By passing this bill, Congress has taken an active role in the development of US policy toward Iran.

The act requires that the president submit any agreement with Iran to Congress for review and that Congress has a certain amount of time to consider the agreement before any sanctions are lifted. The act also provides for expedited consideration of the agreement if it is submitted to Congress during the congressional session. If Congress does not approve the agreement, the president may still lift certain sanctions, but only for a limited period of time.

The Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 also requires the president to provide Congress with regular updates on the progress of negotiations with Iran. This ensures that Congress is kept informed of any developments and has the opportunity to provide input and feedback throughout the negotiation process.

The act has been praised by supporters of the agreement as a necessary step in ensuring that the United States can effectively negotiate with Iran while still maintaining broad congressional oversight. Critics of the agreement, however, argue that the act gives Congress too much power over the negotiations and could ultimately lead to the failure of the agreement.

In conclusion, the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 is an important piece of legislation that provides Congress with the ability to review and approve any comprehensive agreement reached between the United States and Iran regarding Iran`s nuclear program. The act is designed to ensure that Congress has an active role in US policy toward Iran and provides for expedited consideration of any agreement that is submitted to Congress. While there are differing opinions on the act`s effectiveness, it is clear that it is an important step in ensuring that the United States can negotiate effectively with Iran while still maintaining congressional oversight.